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Welcome to today's podcast, where we delve into the creative and impactful ways people are engaging in local and state politics, particularly in rural areas. Our guest, Elizabeth Barger, is at the forefront of grassroots efforts in Tennessee, organizing events and building connections to strengthen community involvement.

In this episode, we’ll explore how these initiatives are overcoming challenges like voter isolation and misinformation, and why local elections play a crucial role in shaping the broader political landscape. Join us as we discuss strategies for mobilizing communities and making every vote count, no matter where you live or what your party is.

Introduction to Local Political Engagement in Tennessee

(0:00) Elizabeth, you're doing some really creative events and being involved in local and state politics in Tennessee. So I'd like you to talk about some of the things that you're doing and what you've found to be effective because then it might give people other ideas.

Bringing Together Small Democratic Parties (1:06)
We live in a really rural area, and I thought one of the things we really needed to do was to get our small, sort of discouraged parties all together in our Middle Tennessee area. We’ve started calling all the small county Democratic parties to try to help us understand that we’re all in this together and can make a difference when working together in our district.

Organizing Events for Community Engagement (2:02)
One of the things we're doing is trying to have groups. We did a thing called cornbread and beans and brought together several districts. We had over 100 people at that meeting, and it was really effective. Everybody got very excited, but we haven’t followed up well.

Regular Meetings to Strengthen Connections (2:26)
What we’re doing now is starting regular meetings, either virtually or in person, in different districts. These meetings might include potlucks, like red beans and rice, where candidates from their area can come to meet, talk, and strategize.

Focusing on Local Elections and Down-Ballot Races (3:07)
We only have two months until the presidential election, but this is not the only important election. We believe developing local strength is crucial because down-ballot races set up your national ballot and state-level influence.

Combatting Misinformation in Rural Media (3:35)
In this state, there’s a lot of general misinformation, even though Nashville is fairly progressive. The rest of the media, especially in rural areas, is not, and TV tends to be full of misinformation. It’s important for us to get together personally and get to know each other to combat this.

The Importance of Personal Connections and Community Building (4:18)
We need to understand that we are powerful together. Tennessee has one of the lowest voting rates in the United States, and we know we’re not reaching about 90% of the people. We’re strategizing on how to change that.

Caravans and Community Outreach Ideas (4:45)
One idea is to have all the parties decide to hold group meetings, possibly with caravans with signs, where we all drive to each other’s district meetings. We could make these potlucks or fish fries, traveling through rural areas with signs on our cars so people see us and might even attract media attention.

Challenges of Canvassing in Rural Areas (5:58)
It’s very hard to do effective canvassing or door-knocking in such rural areas. We thought about doing caravans where we drive to each other’s party events, getting as many people as possible to join in mini parades. Contrasting Rural and Urban Political Strategies (6:28) Up here on Long Island, each party finds it easier to door-knock, and it’s very effective. But in Tennessee, where houses are far apart, it’s a different challenge.

The Role of School Boards in Political Engagement (10:42)
Being involved in local elections, like school boards, is a great way to meet potential candidates and get them to interact with the community. This helps people decide based on individuals, not just party affiliations.

The Impact of Fun, Simple Events on Political Participation (12:01) When you offer a fun, easy event like a simple potluck, you can attract a lot of people who don’t usually participate, especially if you can get the word out to them. This is part of our strategy with the caravan parades.

Challenges of Reaching Isolated Voters (17:10) The registration rate doesn’t reflect the actual population’s political leanings because many people aren’t being reached, especially in isolated areas. We’re working on developing better strategies to reach these voters.

Issues with Voting Accessibility in Rural Tennessee (18:00)
Early voting is limited because it usually takes place in the main town, which is not accessible to everyone. The polling places are scattered and remote, which adds to the challenge.

The Importance of Poll Workers and Voter Accessibility (19:55)
It’s important to encourage people to become poll workers to ensure everyone can vote. We’re working on training more poll watchers and providing transportation for people who need it.

Addressing Transportation Barriers to Voting (23:39) In rural areas, transportation is a significant barrier. We’re organizing poll drivers to help, but reaching the people who need this service is challenging.

Encouraging Participation in Poll Worker Training (29:32)

We’ll put up information on how to register to be a poll worker in Tennessee and New York because it’s a great way to contribute to the democratic process and ensure everyone has the opportunity to vote.